We are delighted to announce the first of this years exciting REACT updates. Since its original conception, the team have always enhanced REACT with the feedback from our users and our REACT Annual User Group.

What features are in the new version?
Pending Notes now use a multi-select for "Progression" to an existing or new case.
Pending Notes now use a multi-select for "Archiving" multiple notes in one go.
Enhanced functionality for incoming reports from The REMOTE Reporting App.
New "Costs Summary" report shows "Cost Category" linked to each entry.
REACT Custom Fields now available for merging onto document templates. This allows Document Templates to merge any of the Individual's custom data fields like "Rent Balance" or "Preferred Language" etc. (Are you taking advantage of Custom Fields?!)
Rounded corners on the mouse-over pop-out on Case Tiles. (Just a visual tweak!)
Improved "Sample Data" in the Merge Fields when "View Merge Data" is used in the Template Editor within Configuration. This makes it easier to build your template layouts.
"Resolution" column now appears on the "Case Information" report to show resolved or unresolved outcome types.
"Protected Case" toast pop-up message is improved to show the "Primary Case Officer" that can be contacted regarding access if it's required.
Upon Action Stage completion, the auto-note added to the Case Notes tab will reflect the date the Action was completed. Useful if you back-date Actions.
Visual tweaks to the user interface.

Don't forget the 'multiple business
area' functionality means all your teams
across the business can use REACT for their case management needs.
Contact us for more information.
Here’s how to set it up:
Head over to the configuration page (Cog Icon)
Click on administration
Click the 'add new business area' button
Follow the screen prompts.